Reducing Barriers and Expanding Services

It seems like FOREVER since I have written a blog post to update anyone on the activity and engagements happening here at the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network, aka AgKnow. There was so much to do since our funding was approved, and then finally received in November.

While there were some obstacles to overcome, we have already learned so much and have received so much encouragement and engagement from our community already!   

I’m really excited to welcome our 11 mental health professionals who were successful in their application to join the AgKnow Referral Network.  Each of them has slightly different expertise but all have a connection to farming. We look forward to working with them in the upcoming months. These mental health professionals are encouraged to actively engage with AgKnow by submitting blogs and sharing opportunities for groups and programs they are involved with. You’ll get a chance to learn more about them as the year progresses.  

Our goal is to expand the AgKnow Referral Network to blanket rural locations across the province. While every one of our referrals is available for remote sessions, we hope that by actively encouraging and supporting mental health professionals to grow their practice in rural areas, that in-person group and individual therapy becomes more widely available if that’s your preference.

If you’re a mental health professional and are interested in being notified when the next AgKnow Referral Network campaign opens, please visit our website and click the “Become a Referral” link on the Therapist page to subscribe to the waiting list.  In the meantime, feel free to register for the monthly professional development webinars on farm-specific topics.  

In addition to the Referral Network, AgKnow is proud to offer free therapy sessions for farmers and the people in their households.  Want to try one of these sessions? It’s easy to do! Simply visit the AgKnow website, click on the Referral of your choice, and fill out the booking form.  The therapist will reach out to you to complete the booking. 

AgKnow is billed directly for up to two free sessions for each member of a farming household.  The goal is to reduce financial barriers for any farm family member that would like to try therapy.  Currently, this is being run as a pilot project with the idea of growing it into a long-term program based on what we learn and the level of engagement from the farming community.  

Finally, I am excited to announce the much-anticipated launch of our first community engagement campaign happening on February 1st, 2023. Watch for activity on social, in the mainstream farm media, and through our website.  Staff and partners are busy creating press packages, presentations, courses, and professional development opportunities, and we are just starting to reach out to spread the news that AgKnow is now open for business! 

Everywhere I go, I hear another story of a farmer, an association, or a business that’s looking for farm-specific mental health resources and support. Businesses and individuals have reached out to share their stories and each one has had an impact on how this initiative has evolved. This really has been and continues to be a much-needed collaborative effort! 

Thank you to all of you that have been participating in small and big ways over the past few months (you know who you are 😊) and I can’t wait to work with you over the coming year!    


Linda Hunt, PAg

Director, AgKnow


Study on Delivering Mental Health Support Services to Rural and Farming Communities - closed, results coming soon!


An Introduction to Farm Culture